How To Protect Your Org’s Brand In The Community

Your organization has a brand. 
I’m not talking about the brand that you market to your patients or your suppliers.  
I’m talking about your brand in your community.  
What does your community know about you, think about you and view as your reputation? 
 You’re probably the largest employer in your community and have more people connected to your brand than you can imagine.  
Every time you or someone on your team goes to the dry cleaner, the pharmacy, and change out of their scrubs, they wear their badge. 
They’re letting everybody know that they work for your organization.  
As a leader, what is your expectation about your team? 
You really want people to have a good feeling about you from the inside out.  
In order to make sure your brand is thriving, as it relates to your community and the surrounding community, there are a few things that you can do.