What To Do When You’re Underpaid

You’re frustrated right now because you feel like you’re not being compensated what you deserve for the amount of experience you have and the amount of work you’re doing every day.
There are plenty of people that feel the same way you do right now; overworked and underpaid.
You’ve gone year after year, getting great evaluations and doing everything you’re supposed to do, but you’re still not paid equitably.
At least that’s what you feel in your gut.
When you don’t get paid what you’re worth, you start to develop imposter syndrome.
You feel like you don’t deserve the job and that’s why they’re not paying you.
You’ll start to look around for other opportunities because you don’t feel valued.
But if you leave your organization right now, it’s going to hurt your team because they care about you.
They need you but they don’t control whether you get the salary bump that you deserve.
Here is some advice to get out of this situation.