I want you to know that I received a lot of feedback on last week’s email.
Some people didn’t want to hear that their job is not coming back. Others were happy that I gave them something to think about. A few people said my message pushed them to make some tough decisions. They had to act now and prepare for the future.
Honestly, I want you to prepare for the future. I want you to prepare that things could be very different after COVID-19. There will be a new normal in America after we get past COVID-19. This new normal could be a new future for all of us.
I want you to reimagine what will change in our lives after COVID-19. We could have some big changes.
Please watch this video as I share what I have reimagined in a post-COVID-19 world.
This is part six of my Facebook LIVE on March 29, 2020. It is where I discuss the Seven Things You Need to Know During COVID-19.
What can you see being different after we get past this crisis?

P.S: If you want to read other thoughts about the future after COVID19, check out this Forbes article: Life and Work After COVID-19: The Problem with Forecasting a Brighter Future.