What Matters the Most to Your Employees: Five Keys to a Great Workplace

Personal Confession: When I was put in my first leadership role, I used to think being a leader meant having all the answers. I’d come in pronouncing decrees, telling people what to do, and expecting blind obedience. It was a huge mistake. I ended up being angry and frustrated as to why people wouldn’t respect my title and position of leadership.

It wasn’t until I stumbled upon a powerful truth that my leadership compass recalibrated: people don’t follow titles; they follow purpose. And that purpose isn’t always etched on a mission statement; it’s whispered in the undercurrents of everyday experiences.

In my book, Lead: 44 Actions to Break Down Barriers, Boost Your Retention, and Build a World-Class Culture, I delve into the nitty-gritty of creating workplaces where purpose thrives. But today, I want to focus on the cornerstone of it all: understanding what truly matters to your employees.

Forget fancy perks and ping-pong tables. True leadership recognizes that what resonates with people is deeper, more human. It’s about feeling seen, heard, and valued not just as cogs in the machine but as individuals with unique aspirations and dreams.

Understanding what truly resonates with your team is the cornerstone of transformative leadership. In this context, I explore the facets of what employees value most, guided by the belief that “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” – Ronald Reagan.

Here is what Your Employees Want From You

1. Leadership and Vision: 

Employees seek leaders who share a clear, inspiring vision. Additionally, they want to know where they are heading and why it matters, as it provides them with a sense of purpose and direction in their work.

 2. Respect and Recognition: 

– Everyone wants to feel valued and respected.

– Recognition isn’t just about rewards; it’s about acknowledging hard work and achievements.

 3. Growth Opportunities: 

– A stagnant career is a demotivator.

– Leadership Insight: Provide Opportunities for Professional Development and Career Advancement, as these opportunities can empower your employees to reach their full potential and contribute even more to your organization’s success..

– Culture shapes the daily experience.

– A positive, inclusive culture fosters a sense of belonging and purpose.

5.  Work-Life Harmony: 

Balance isn’t just a buzzword; instead, it’s a fundamental need.

-Employees value flexibility and understanding as they navigate their personal and professional lives. Furthermore, they appreciate an environment that acknowledges their needs and promotes work-life balance.

In conclusion, Tapping into these core areas of leadership can significantly enhance the employee experience. It’s about creating an environment where employees don’t just work; they thrive. As leaders, we should cultivate a workplace where every team member feels acknowledged, empowered, and excited to contribute to the collective vision. Moreover, fostering such an environment enhances morale and boosts productivity and innovation.

Let’s create workplaces where purpose is woven into the fabric of every experience. When we do that, we build successful businesses and a better world for everyone.

Now, go forth and lead with intention. Your employees and your organization will thank you for it.

If you want to explore group coaching with our team, please contact us at info@antongunn.com. We would be happy to explore options.

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