The culture in your organization is not where it needs to be.
Some may describe it as toxic.
When you’re in an organization that has a toxic culture, it can be devastating.
The pain can be devastating.
It leads to high turnover rates that cost the organization millions of dollars.
You’ll get a bad reputation and it’ll be hard to recruit people.
Having a toxic culture can become abusive and even discriminatory.
The last thing that you want is a discrimination lawsuit because of how you treat someone who’s different than you in your organization.
The moment you become aware of this type of environment, you have to do something about it.
How To Solve A Culture Problem
1. Awareness
You must first be aware there is a problem.
Figure out what’s going wrong in your organization.
How bad is it?
Is it isolated in one department or is it rampant throughout the organization?
How’s the organization’s reputation in the community?
You have to find a way to clean up the trash.
2. Talk to leaders
You need to have face time with the CEO.
If the CEO doesn’t listen, find a way to talk to the board of directors.
The board should be willing to listen and should already know about a culture problem.
If they do not, that’s a conversation for another day.
Talk to those above to make them aware of the problem at hand.
After talking to the CEO, talk to the leaders that you manage.
Do they see what’s going on?
Are they comfortable enough to talk to you about the situation?
3. Dig into data
Review employee satisfactory surveys.
Don’t just look at the numbers, look at the comments.
If more than 50% of your people have neutral or negative comments about your organization, you have a problem.
The most dangerous place to be on an employee engagement survey is neutral.
People should feel good about your organization and should be willing to share this.
When people are neutral, this means you have a problem that they aren’t willing to talk about.
They don’t want to put themselves in a negative position but they also don’t want to reinforce a culture they don’t feel good about.
If your team is lukewarm, you’ve got a problem.
The problem is your culture.
4. Gain understanding from leaders
Find leaders that are comfortable enough to help you understand what’s wrong with your culture.
Is one leader creating toxicity or is it multiple leaders?
Is it an entire department?
The bottom line is, you’ve got to get the culture right.
You’ve got to get better and you’ve got to do it quickly.
If this was not helpful and you need more answers, request a free 30-minute call with me.
Let me help you understand what’s going on in your culture.
Let’s get a game plan together to fix it.