Prioritizing Your Personal Growth And Development

Prioritizing Your Personal Growth And Development

How do you ensure your growth and development as a leader? 

Before answering that question, it’s fair to ask why it is even important to continue to grow and develop yourself as a leader. 

Our business environment is changing every day. 

There’s new technology. 

There are new resources. 

New innovation every day is making what you did yesterday obsolete. 

What you’ll be doing tomorrow may be very different than what you’re doing today.  

Whether it’s healthcare reform, a major health crisis or a pandemic that is changing how we do business, it is changing rapidly. 

We need leaders like you to stay ahead of these changes, to make sure the changes happen with you and not to you. 

The only way to do this is to focus on your personal growth and development. 

How to stimulate your growth and development 

1. Be a part of a professional association 

You need to join an organization that is catered to professionals in your field. 

Being a part of three or four is even better. 

Working in healthcare, the American College of Healthcare Executives is a great resource. 

These organizations have a great mailing list and send out content specific to the industry. 

Knowing what’s going on in your industry is one of the most important aspects of your personal professional growth. 

2. Be involved with a professional association 

Don’t just join these organizations for the mailing list. 

You need to be involved with other professionals in your career field. 

Attend the annual meetings and webinars that are hosted. 

Being a member and being involved are two different things. 

Make an effort to connect with colleagues to learn more. 

3. Become a reader 

Leaders are readers. 

Actually read the emails from your professional association. 

Read the magazines. 

Read research. 

How many books did you read this year?  

If your answer isn’t more than 25, then you’re behind. 

You should be reading something every day to ensure your growth and development. 

My book, The Presidential Principles, is a great tool for leaders that want to grow and develop. 

There are so many beneficial books that you can find to aid in your growth. 

If you don’t like turning the pages of a book, you can listen to audio books. 

Audio books are great because they allow you to simultaneously take notes while listening. 

Whatever it is you do; you need to be consuming the content from books every day. 

Prioritizing your personal growth and development is the best thing you can do for yourself and your organization. 

You need to become a member of a professional organization, be involved with that organization, and read. 

After doing this, you must apply what you’ve learned. 

Knowledge is not power. 

Applied knowledge is power. 



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