Reasons You’re Failing As A New Executive

What you’re doing is not working as a leader.   It’s more than just having a title.  You must be a leader that actually makes a difference.  Right now, you’re not doing that.  Allowing other people to dump more work on your staff, because you’re trying to impress them, is not being helpful.  You can’t just allow other […]

How To Get More Productive At Work

If you’re anything like me, you’re more busy than you’ve ever been in your life.  

I’m talking back-to-back meetings with no time to take lunch. 

You’re doing more than you ever thought you can do, but at the same time, you’re feeling less productive. 

Your team and organization are demanding more productivity.  

You’ve got to get more output and you’re wondering how. 

How do you become more productive at work?  

How To Make Sure Your Team Feels Appreciated

Things are hard for your entire team and organization.

People are being stretched from left to right.

You, as a leader, need to find a way to appreciate your team.

If you don’t find a way to appreciate your team, people are going to feel like you don’t care about them.

They’ll feel like you don’t value the contribution they make to the organization.

They’ll feel like you’re not invested in them.

When they start to feel like this, they’ll become uninvested in you and the organization.

This is why many people resign from the workplace today; because of a lack of appreciation.

If you don’t appreciate your team, they will leave and then you’ll have a turnover problem.

You’ll get backed up with more challenges and unable to meet the needs of all the people who are demanding your expertise.

You must avoid this at all costs.

Here are three simple things that you should be doing to show your team that you appreciate them.

Two Skills You Need To Become A Top Executive

You think you’re ready to become the top executive at your organization.

But the question is, do you have the two pieces of information that will determine your success as a top executive?

There’s a lot of people who chase the top spot in any organization.

They come in thinking that the job is about 50 different things, and they miss the two most important things that will determine their level of success.

If you don’t have these two things, you’ll become an executives that just has the title.

I want to give them to you and give you an opportunity to understand how to become a successful top executive.

One that is doing amazing things.

One that is growing a great organization and growing great people.

One that puts yourself in the best position to be successful longterm.

What To Do When Your Team Is Overworked

I know it’s pretty crazy right now.  
After this past year, your team is at its breaking point.  
They’ve been overworked and overwhelmed for a very long time. 
You’ve been doing your best to try to tell them to keep putting forward the effort, keep pushing, keep getting stuff done.  
But at this point, your team is at a breaking point.  
They’re facing burnout.  
They will go into a crisis mode.  
They will start to act out.  
You don’t want that kind of behavior.  
So, the best thing you can do is try to reduce the workload of your team.  
You’re probably struggling with this because you know there are more demands on you and your team. 
Now, EVERYONE is overworked and overwhelmed. 
But know this; when everybody starts to hit their breaking point, you’re going to lose revenue. 
You’re going to lose productivity.  
It can create an unsafe work environment that could be very dangerous to everybody that you’re trying to serve.  
You’ve got to avoid this at all costs. 
Here are a few things you can do to reduce this feeling. 

How To Clone Yourself

You’ve got way too much work to do and not enough time to get it done.   Your boss is coming in and asking you for answers to questions that he asked you two weeks ago.  But you haven’t gotten to that project yet because you’re still working on a project from last month.  You don’t have enough hands to manage […]

When The People You Love Don’t Support Your Dreams

I know it can be a little disconcerting when the person that you care about the most or the people that you love don’t seem to be invested in your professional career.

They don’t seem to care about the work that you’ve been so passionate about your entire life.

We have our own passions, and our partners and the people that we care about have other passions.

It can feel very lonely and even debilitating.

You can feel unsupported.

This can lead to isolation at home.

You feel like you’re in it by yourself and start to think, “Why do I even need to have them in my life if they don’t care about what I do?”

You’re trying to build a future for them.

You want them interested and invested, but they can’t see the forest before the trees.

This can make you resentful and break up your family in ways that you never thought it could.

How do you address this situation?

What To Do When There’s Too Much On Your Plate

You’ve got way too much work on your plate.

It’s starting to fall off in a way that is not helpful to your brand inside the company.

People are starting to question whether you actually were the right fit for this role because now you’re not getting the stuff done the way that you need to.

When people start wondering if you’re the right fit, they’re going to start looking for other chinks in the armor as a reason to get rid of you.

Here’s my advice to you.

What To Do When You’re Underpaid

You’re frustrated right now because you feel like you’re not being compensated what you deserve for the amount of experience you have and the amount of work you’re doing every day.

There are plenty of people that feel the same way you do right now; overworked and underpaid.

You’ve gone year after year, getting great evaluations and doing everything you’re supposed to do, but you’re still not paid equitably.

At least that’s what you feel in your gut.

When you don’t get paid what you’re worth, you start to develop imposter syndrome.

You feel like you don’t deserve the job and that’s why they’re not paying you.

You’ll start to look around for other opportunities because you don’t feel valued.

But if you leave your organization right now, it’s going to hurt your team because they care about you.

They need you but they don’t control whether you get the salary bump that you deserve.

Here is some advice to get out of this situation.

How To Manage Losing A High Performing Colleague

I know how it is to lose a high performing colleague.  Someone that you enjoyed working with.  Someone that is very skilled at their job.   They did a lot of things to make the organization a whole lot better, but now they’ve left.  This can leave a gaping hole of institutional knowledge that makes it hard for you […]