Like Steel in the Hour of Chaos

I intended to share a different message with you this week, but I am tired. Actually, I am exhausted. I know many other African Americans are exhausted, too. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the countless number of Black people deaths we’ve witnessed on video deserved better—as do all of the African Americans who […]


For most people, Memorial Day is the unofficial kick-off of Summer. We get excited about school getting out, summer vacations, backyard barbecues, and warm weather. Memorial Day doesn’t mean any of these things for my family and me. Memorial Day is the time when our nation honors and remembers our soldiers and sailors who gave […]

Will the Coronavirus Reform Our Politics?

The United States of America has been politically divided for a long time. I am not talking about being divided over the last four years, either. I am talking about the previous 244 years! From the founding of our nation, Americans have always been divided along political lines. Just think about it, whether it was […]

Reimagine a New Future After COVID-19

I want you to know that I received a lot of feedback on last week’s email. Some people didn’t want to hear that their job is not coming back. Others were happy that I gave them something to think about. A few people said my message pushed them to make some tough decisions. They had […]

Your Job May Not Come Back After COVID-19

I don’t want to be coy about this. COVID-19 is changing our economy. It will be different forever. As a part of this change, your job may change too. When I mean change, your job may be different forever. You could permanently work from home. You may go back to a different work environment. And […]